Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another Versatile Cleaner: Vinegar

My first experience using vinegar came a few summers ago.  My wife's parents were visiting and I had just came in from the backyard.  Unfortunately, I had brought dog poop in on the underside of my shoe and then tracked it down the basement stairs.  When I went to go upstairs, I came eye to poop with tracks of the stinky stuff on every other step.  After a few choice phrases, my father in law suggested using white vinegar to clean the carpeted steps.   The vinegar worked wonders since it deodorized and helped clean the mess.

Vinegar is great since it is cheap and safe enough to eat.  It is not nearly as harmful to the environment as many factory made cleaners.  I have used it to clean crayon off of carpeting and vomit off of a sofa.  It can be used to clean toilet bowls and sprayed onto clothing stains to eliminate smells.

Vinegar can also be used against mildew.  The attic access near our bathroom is very receptive to mildew growing on it. When I see the mildew, I mix 1 part water to 2 parts vinegar.  Then I spray the surface of the access panel, wipe it down, clean it with a damp paper towel, and dry it.

Many people also use vinegar to clean their coffee makers.  Simply pour vinegar into the coffee maker and run it.  When your coffee maker is finished, empty the vinegar from the coffee pot and place clean, cool water into the coffee maker.  Then run the coffee maker once more.  When the water in the pot has cooled, you can use it to water some of your acid loving plants in the garden.

I would advise against using vinegar on metal, porcelain tiles, and concrete.  Since vinegar is an acid, it can cause those surfaces to be dissolve or be pitted.  When you finish cleaning, use a damp paper towel that has been soaked in clean water to wipe away the vinegar.  Then use a dry cloth to dry the cleaned area.

How do you use vinegar? Please share your thoughts.

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