Sunday, April 14, 2013

Many Hands Make Light Work

There are many things that we can do individually to lessen the effects of pollution and climate change.  Each of these actions is like moving a small stone from a mountain.  As a lone person, it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to move the whole mountain.  Collectively, it can be done.  The daunting challenges of stopping climate change and cleaning up the world's environment requires us all to act.

One of the best things we can do is to join and be active in a local organization that promotes the care of the environment.  Yesterday, I was part of a group that did a roadside cleanup.   The volunteer group has been active for several years and this is just one of the activities that they do.  In about an hour and half, seven of us cleaned up the litter that was strung along both sides of a mile stretch of highway.  We filled about five large trash bags with various objects, mostly plastic wrappers, disposable cups, and paper products.

Afterwards, there was a definite sense of accomplishment as we surveyed the clean parkways and looked down on the pile of bagged litter at our feet.  What would have taken one person a large portion of the day to do was accomplished efficiently by the team.

Most important of all was the sense of camaraderie that was shared while we were picking up the litter.  We were able to talk about life and feel that we were a part of something greater than just ourselves.

I encourage you to join an organization and contribute your talents to making the world a better place.  If there are no organizations nearby, then become a founding member of one.  The more people that help, the easier it is to reach a goal.

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